Can't stand Star Trek anymore. Used to be the quintessential fan who could discuss everything from warp mechanics to Vulcan philosophy. Now I ridicule trekkies. Was always looking for the last piece to my DVD collection - the Next Generation (TNG) series. Have it at home now. Skimmed through about ten episodes. Then got bored. Must be a complete rewiring of my right hemisphere. Not sure how, when or why.
Cardboard characters and radio scripts. Why use TV if all the characters are going to do is stand around reading their lines? Starfleet officers: the noblest gullible idiots in the galaxy, the laughing stock of all unscrupulous species. Send fake distress call. Starfleet comes running. Rip them off. Every week. Gets tiring after a while.
All problems may be solved by reconfiguring the main deflector. Knowledge of circuit breakers has been lost in the twenty fourth century: bridge consoles explode in a shower of sparks whenever there's a power surge somewhere in the ship.
Too many M class planets with oxygen, water and room temperature. Evolution is the same everywhere up to the point where forehead and ears are formed. The universal translator can lip-sync the speaker.
Oh, and Vulcans are neurotics.
My brother used to force me to watch Star Trek when we were kids. We'd have epic battles because it was always on at the same time as M*A*S*H*! I have so much haterade for Star Trek. BOO.
funny you should mention it. i used to have similar fights with my sister, though she was no fan of m*a*s*h*. sadly, it's now come to a point where she's more enthusiastic about ST than me...
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