

Oil dips. Just as I knew it would. There's still enough oil to go around in the world. It's worth noting that oil is, in fact, dead dinosaur. I can't think of any biomatter (save the forests) bulky enough to produce so much oil. That is assuming that the biogenic theory of oil formation is correct.

Been finding it difficult to get myself to blog lately. Perhaps it's because the ego needs previously fulfilled by blogs are now being largely fulfilled by social networking sites. What will become of the blogosphere? Will it go the way of dinosaurs or will it morph into something else altogether? What killed the dinosaurs, by the way, is a mystery. You may think the asteroid theory is now fact, but we still don't know. Could've been anything from climate change to a plague.

Waiting for the new Watchmen movie to come out. It's worth noting that Nite Owl looks way too much like Batman in this movie. The owl-ears and bat-ears are way too similar. Owls are one of the very few species of birds who actually happen to have visible ears. Most birds, being distant relatives of dinosaurs, do not have visible ears. In fact it has been theorized that if dinosaurs had survived whatever befell them 26 million years ago, their modern incarnations would be very bird-like.


The height of subjective opinion is your barber telling your that your new haircut actually looks good.


Wow, would you look at this design: http://xkcd.com/413/
The magnetically held webcam is pure genius.


I think in fits and starts.


If you can still imagine a civilized society without a certain rule, then that rule is mean to be broken at least once. If I could go back in time to my teenage years, more than anything else I'd make more mistakes and break more rules. I'd cut classes, I'd tell more lies to my parents, I'd try beer a lot earlier than I did, I'd play more pranks on my teachers, I'd get punished a lot more and I'd certainly fool around a lot more. The problem with being an example is that an example is not the real thing -- it's like those worked out sums you get in your math books. They're just examples.


Discovered my ignorance of a common condition yesterday. Was talking to a friend on the phone.

Me: Dude, I got this bad headache. I'm just lying in bed here. The bright lights are killing me.

Muds: Yeah that happens to me too when I get a migraine.

Me: Er, you know I've always been curious. How's a migraine different from a normal headache? How come some people have them and others like me don't?

Muds: Well for one thing it's on one side of your head and it's more intense.

Me: Yeah, mine's like that. Throbbing actually.

Muds: That happens with a migraine too.

Me: How about sensitivity to light?

Muds: Er, hello? Looks like you've got a migraine...

Me: WTF? That's a migraine? I've had one of these once every few months and I thought they're just really bad-ass headaches!

Muds: They're migraines.

Me: Oh noez! I have migraines!


O hai. I iz in mah lolcat apprishiashun fase. Talking liek lolcatz iz braking mah grammah. Aksidental slips costing reputayshun. N00bcats in offis are liek, "OMG you suck!" and I iz like all emo. How i explane lolcatz? You tell me. I has bad feeling dis grammah is not going to go away like da fase. Halp. Kthxbai.


The future is shorter, faster and more impatient. And all converging on the mobile.

Letters --> Email --> Texting --> X
Autobiographies --> Blogs --> Twitter --> X

"X" could very well be precooked emoticon-like icons. The next generation of kids will probably not want to type anything at all. They'll just send icons. Maybe with optional parameters. Maybe there'll be a "Let's meet for coffee" icon so that all you have to fill in is the time and place. Maybe there'll be a "I need some space. Maybe we should see other people" icon.

I loath the day when I'll have kids and they talk in a language I don't understand.


I get annoyed by people who use proper grammar on lolcats. Don't they know?

Waking up is not the problem. Getting out of bed is.


Do you seriously think Microsoft is going to die anytime soon? Do not delude yourself.


Lolcats: syntactically whimsical, absurdist annotation of feline imagery.


Can't stand Star Trek anymore. Used to be the quintessential fan who could discuss everything from warp mechanics to Vulcan philosophy. Now I ridicule trekkies. Was always looking for the last piece to my DVD collection - the Next Generation (TNG) series. Have it at home now. Skimmed through about ten episodes. Then got bored. Must be a complete rewiring of my right hemisphere. Not sure how, when or why.

Cardboard characters and radio scripts. Why use TV if all the characters are going to do is stand around reading their lines? Starfleet officers: the noblest gullible idiots in the galaxy, the laughing stock of all unscrupulous species. Send fake distress call. Starfleet comes running. Rip them off. Every week. Gets tiring after a while. 

All problems may be solved by reconfiguring the main deflector. Knowledge of circuit breakers has been lost in the twenty fourth century: bridge consoles explode in a shower of sparks whenever there's a power surge somewhere in the ship.

Too many M class planets with oxygen, water and room temperature. Evolution is the same everywhere up to the point where forehead and ears are formed. The universal translator can lip-sync the speaker. 

Oh, and Vulcans are neurotics.


I'm writing my unauthorized autobiography.


How does this post look without a title?


This is the house that jack built. This is the malt that lay in the house that jack built. Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. She sells sea shells on the sea shore. The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. So on and so forth.

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